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Hey girly, a little bit about me...I'm married to my right hand man and best friend who inspires me to live my dream as a boutique owner. My two beautiful children, Brayden (Bray) and Emily (Em), are the reason why I started this business! And my dad (aka #numberonefan or Opa) is another big part of why I am able to live my dream, without him this would not be possible!

I launched Bray & Em in 2016 from the front room of my house. I could never have imagined how quickly it would grow. Let alone that there would be a store front and a group of employees that are more like family than staff.

I'm a fashion lover, of course, but even more than the clothes, I love the community we've created here and how it expands beyond these four walls.

If you don't know me by now, you know my personality is one of a kind and my heart is big! I love to not only have customers who support me but become friends as well!

We truly run small and have an amazing community.