The Gina Cross Body is a small, compact and very stylish handbag. It is small, affordable and can easily fit your keys and phone plus has it has inside credit card slots in case you don't want to carry your wallet. The Gina can also carry your phone, even a large plus size phone. It has an embossed front zipper pocket as well as two more zipper compartments to keep your important things organized and safe. This style is perfect for when you want to go for a walk or a quick trip to the market. If you want to keep it minimal, this is your choice.
The size is 8" tall, 5" wide and 3" deep.
COLORS: Black; Brown; Espresso; Sand; Spruce
Please note: This is a final sale item! No returns or exchanges will be allowed on this item.
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The Gina Cross Body is a small, compact and very stylish handbag. It is small, affordable and can easily fit your keys and phone plus has it has inside credit card slots in case you don't want to carry your wallet. The Gina can also carry your phone, even a large plus size phone. It has an embossed front zipper pocket as well as two more zipper compartments to keep your important things organized and safe. This style is perfect for when you want to go for a walk or a quick trip to the market. If you want to keep it minimal, this is your choice.
The size is 8" tall, 5" wide and 3" deep.
COLORS: Black; Brown; Espresso; Sand; Spruce
Please note: This is a final sale item! No returns or exchanges will be allowed on this item.
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